In this episode, we dive deep into the life of Dr. Ryan Bushman—a dentist, husband, father, our co-host, and all-around inspiration. Ryan opens up about his humble beginnings in Quincy, Washington, where he grew up on a potato farm with a family of...
In this episode, we dive deep into the life of Dr. Ryan Bushman—a dentist, husband, father, our co-host, and all-around inspiration. Ryan opens up about his humble beginnings in Quincy, Washington, where he grew up on a potato farm with a family of 16 siblings. (Yes, 16–not a typo!) His story is filled with challenges that would have knocked most people down, but Ryan’s resilience and determination turned those hardships into building blocks for the life he leads today.
From enduring unimaginable tragedies, including the loss of two siblings and his father at a young age, to becoming a teenager tasked with helping raise his siblings when his mother disappeared, Ryan shares how these defining moments shaped him. With humor and humility, he recounts going from a 16-year-old working farm jobs to providing for his own growing family while learning how to lead, grow, and create a meaningful life.
Today, Ryan is a thriving dentist, a devoted husband of 20 years, and a proud father of five. If he can do it, so can you! His journey is a testament to grit, perseverance, and making the hard choices to build the life you want. Whether you’re navigating your own challenges or looking for inspiration to keep going, Ryan’s story is a reminder that you can overcome anything when you’re committed to making it work.
👉 Hit play now to hear Ryan’s incredible story and learn how he turned his trials into triumphs. Don’t forget to leave a comment, ask questions, or connect with us at!
Episode Minute By Minute: